Soviet republic that existed in 1918.


It was formed on January 18, 1918, within the Russian SFSR on part of the territory of the former Bessarabian and Kherson governorates of the Russian Empire. It was established after an armed uprising against the authorities of the Central Rada of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR). It was prepared by the Military Revolutionary Committee of Rumcherod (Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of the Romanian Front, Black Sea Fleet, and Odessa Military District), which consisted of Bolsheviks, Left SRs, and Anarchists.


On January 29, the Council of People’s Commissars of the Odessa Soviet Republic was established (chaired by Vladimir Yudovsky, a Bolshevik) at a meeting of Rumcherod and the Odessa Soviet of Workers, Soldiers, Sailors, and Peasants’ Deputies. It subordinated directly to the Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian SFSR. It was decided to dissolve the Odessa City Duma, but it continued functioning in practice.


Bessarabia was formally included in the OSR, but Romanian troops began to occupy it from the end of January. Rumcherod declared war on Romania on January 23, 1918. Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Muravyov, a Left SR, was appointed Commander of the armed forces of the OSR and the Romanian Front. The Odessa Soviet Army also included a detachment of Jewish self-defense of Mikhail Vinnitsky (Mishka Yaponchik), originally created to repulse pogroms in Odessa. Soviet troops defeated the enemy at the end of February; an agreement on the withdrawal of Romanian troops from Bessarabia was concluded. However, after the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Romania refused to fulfill the treaty.


On February 24, Mikhail Muravyov actually established a regime of personal dictatorship in Odessa (Rumcherod and the Executive Committee of the Soviet argued against it). It lasted 22 days and was accompanied by repression, soldier riots, demolitions, requisitions, and the holding of hostages. General mobilization was announced facing the approach of the Austro-German troops to the city. It provoked protests from the population and on March 6, the workers’ assemblies adopted a resolution on the transfer of power to the Odessa City Duma. Rumcherod left Odessa. The city was captured by Austro-German troops and the forces of the Ukrainian People’s Republic on March 13. The republic ceased to exist.